MLP Group wynajął firmie ORIFLAME dodatkową powierzchnię w parku MLP Pruszków I

MLP Group wynajął kolejny 1 000 m2 powierzchni firmie Oriflame Poland sp. z o.o. w swoim parku MLP Pruszków I. Obecnie Oriflame zajmuje prawie 4000 m2 powierzchni, która została dostosowana przez MLP Group do potrzeb konfekcjonowania oraz magazynowania produktów Spółki. W ramach wynajętej powierzchni znajdują się również pomieszczenia biurowo-socjalne.
Oriflame Poland Sp. z o.o. jest międzynarodową firmą kosmetyczną prowadzącą sprzedaż bezpośrednią. Firma została założona w 1967 roku w Szwecji przez Roberta i Jonasa af Jochnick. Obecnie działa w ponad 60 krajach i prowadzi sprzedaż kosmetyków wyłącznie poprzez konsultantów. Firma Oriflame notowana jest od 2004 roku na giełdzie Nasdaq OMX Nordic Exchange i posiada fabryki w Szwecji, Indiach, Rosji, Chinach i Polsce.
„Firma Oriflame jest w naszym parku MLP Pruszków I od 2010 roku i miło nam, że zdecydowała się na powiększenie swojej powierzchni o ponad 1/3. Cieszymy się, że w ten sposób spółka doceniła naszą współpracę oraz położenie parku i wysokiej jakości obsługę, którą zapewniamy naszym klientom” – powiedziała Dorota Jagodzińska-Sasson, Członek Zarządu MLP Group.

MLP Group, a leading developer of warehouse and production space in Poland, has signed an agreement with MarcPol S.A. for lease of 5,022 m2 of space at the warehouse and production park MLP Pruszków II. The warehouse space, with a small section of office and staff space, will enable MarcPol to conduct efficient logistics for products in connection with the dynamic growth of the chain of MarcPol stores and the opening of 17 new locations in the near future. The new warehouse will also serve the existing MarcPol locations. The lease was signed for 10 years. The space will be delivered to MarcPol in the 2nd quarter of 2012.

This is the second lease signed by MLP Group and MarcPol in the past year. Together, MarcPol will lease 7,000 m2 of space at MLP Pruszków I and MLP Pruszków II. MarcPol S.A. has been in operation since 1988 and is now the country’s largest entirely Polish-owned retail chain. It includes large shopping centres with an area of over 4,000 m2 each, and supermarkets, as well as smaller stores where regular customers do their everyday shopping. From the very start, the MarcPol logo has been combined with the leading marketing slogan, “Support your own.”

“MarcPol S.A. is the latest in a series of companies from the grocery sector we have signed leases with recently,” said Dorota Jagodzińska-Sasson, a member of the management board of MLP Group S.A. “We are pleased that companies from this sector, which is so demanding in terms of logistics and warehousing, are deciding to rent space at our parks. The fact that this is the second lease we have signed with MarcPol within the past few months is also confirmation of the attractiveness of our warehouse and production parks and the services we have to offer to this sector.”

According to Iwona Zarucka, vice president of MarcPol S.A., “The location of the park directly adjacent to the expressway currently under construction, as well as the professionalism and flexibility of the developer in their understanding of our needs, were decisive in our selection of MLP Pruszków II as well as MLP Group as a partner in the future operations and growth of MarcPol. It is also important that MarcPol will have the use of a new facility custom-tailored to meet the current requirements for FMCG warehousing and logistics.”

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