A leader in online sales of bathroom accessories in Poland set to move into the MLP Poznań logistics park

Łazienkaplus.pl S.A. has made a decision to expand its warehousing facilities by 3,500 square meters. The company has chosen the MLP Group to assist it with the project. The development work is being carried out in the MLP Poznań logistics park and the tenant is scheduled to move in at the end of March 2018. The deal has been assisted and brokered by the real estate agency Axi Immo.

The MLP Group is preparing 3,500 square meters of warehousing space for Łazienkaplus.pl. Work on preparing the facility in the MLP Poznań logistics park is currently underway and the tenant is scheduled to move in at the end of March 2018. “We are very happy to have acquired this new tenant. Our facilities are perfectly suited to the needs of specialized online stores. The satisfaction of our current and future tenants is the foundation of our steady growth and improving performance,” said Agnieszka Góźdź, Head of the Leasing Department at MLP Group S.A.

“This client was looking for modern warehousing and office space in the vicinity of Poznań, which would enable it to arrange an efficient supply chain and at the same time serve its retail customers on the site. The client found that MLP’s park in Poznań was best suited to meet its requirements owing to the developer’s flexible approach and ability to adjust the facility to the operational needs of the client’s sales via the e-commerce channel,” commented Piotr Roszkowski, Industrial & Logistic Consultant at Axi Immo.

Łazienkaplus.pl S.A. is a leader in online sales of bathroom accessories in Poland. During its 10-year presence on the online market, the company’s website has been visited by as many as 30 million users who have purchased over 2 million products. Since its foundation, the company filled 415,000 orders in 12 product categories available on Łazienkaplus.pl’s website at http://lazienkaplus.pl.

According to Marek Przybył, CEO of Łazienkaplus.pl S.A., the decision to expand the company’s warehousing facilities in cooperation with such an experienced partner as the MLP Group was an element of the deliberate and successfully executed development strategy of Łazienkaplus.pl S.A. based on the company’s mission which is targeted at: “Enabling all those who finish or refurbish their apartment, home or office to make convenient, secure and complete online purchases accessible from anywhere.”
MLP Poznań is located in Koninko, 16 km to the south east of Poznań city centre. The park is located next to the S11 expressway conecting Poznań with Katowice and about 4 km from the A2 motorway Poznań East junction. MLP Poznań will be built on a 19ha plot and when completed shall comprise 86,200 sqm of warehouses and light industry buildings.

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