SPAR to expand logistics centre to 20,000 sqm in MLP Czeladź

SPAR to expand logistics centre to 20,000 sqm  in MLP Czeladź
The food retailer SPAR will expand its logistics centre in Czeladź. The facility at MLP Czeladź will be placed in service later this year. Currently, SPAR occupies an area of 8,800 sqm used as a warehouse, cold and freezing rooms, office and staff amenity space. The SPAR logistics centre will be expanded by another 11,200 sqm, the vast majority of which will be used for warehousing, cold storage and freezing purposes. Additional facility will be dedicated to a modern office, which will be expanded by 250 sqm. This phase is scheduled for completion in the third quarter of 2022.

“At the moment we have three warehouses: one near Poznań, one in the Silesian town of Czeladź and one in Gnatowice near Warsaw. They should be sufficient for now. Within the next three months, we plan to further improve the efficiency of deliveries and expand the logistics capacity at each of these locations. As sales grow, we will gradually expand our existing warehouses. We want more and more of SPAR’s turnover to come from our own logistics and procurement structure. I expect the three warehouses to fully meet our needs over the next five years and help us effectively and efficiently support our stores at every location we acquire as part of our expansion across Poland – from Zgorzelec through Suwałki to Szczecin. So we don’t expect to launch any new warehouses in the medium term,” emphasises Wayne Hodson, CEO of the SPAR chain in Poland.

“’Our logistics park in Czeladź is developing at a very quick pace. It still offers room for further expansion, and we can deliver new space within seven months from contract signing. The development of our cooperation with the SPAR network confirms the high quality of our offering. The new facilities for our business partner will be tailored to its high requirements and needs related to food distribution. Factors of key importance to tenants in this sector include the high standard of our facilities and convenient location with access to good road infrastructure, ensuring quick distribution of goods. An additional advantage is the bus stop located right next to the park, offering easy access for employees. Another convenience is the M1 shopping centre in the neighbourhood,” said Agnieszka Góźdź, Sales Director at MLP Group S.A.

“The high efficiency of the supply chain has been a fundamental factor in the success of companies in the retail sector. A key element in this process is having warehouse space suitably located and adapted to the specificity of a particular product or products. The MLP logistics park in Czeladź has, for some time now, been an excellent supply base for SPAR. Its location, the available road infrastructure as well as the technological solutions applied in the warehouse will help our client to meet their  business objectives. We are pleased that at JLL we were able to support SPAR once the company decided to increase the space that it leased.”- emphasises Paulina Dziubińska, Senior Director at Industrial Agency, JLL.

MLP Czeladź is very attractive for customers particularly because of its excellent location near main roads. The park is located close to the junction of the A4 motorway and the S1 expressway, 15 kilometres from the Katowice airport, 11 kilometres from the city centre, and in the vicinity of the S86 expressway linking Łódź with Tychy.

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