Für Investoren
Aktuelle und periodische Berichte
The Management Board of MLP Group S.A. of Pruszków (the “Company”) informs that the current report No. 20/2024 of October 9th, 2024, mistakenly stated the maturity date of the Notes as April 15th, 2029, instead of correctly October 15th, 2029.
Other published data specified in the report shall not require a correction to be made.
Legal basis:
- 15 par. 2 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 29 March 2018 on current and periodic information provided by issuers of securities and conditions for recognising as equivalent information required by the laws of a non-member state
The Management Board of MLP Group S.A. with its registered office in Pruszków (the “Issuer“) announces that on October 25th, 2024, the subsidiaries of the Issuer made the full early repayment of the loans for a total principal amount of EUR 41,186,478 plus the interest and other early repayment fees accrued, as regards the following loans:
- the company MLP Pruszków VI sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Pruszków repaid the loans granted under the loan agreement of September 6th, 2023, concluded with mBank S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw;
- the company MLP Czeladź Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Pruszków repaid the loans granted under the loan agreement of March 29th, 2023, concluded with BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw;
- the company MLP Łódź II Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Pruszków repaid the loans granted under the loan agreement of December 20th, 2022, concluded with Santander Bank Polska S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw.
As a result of these repayments the loans are fully repaid and the abovementioned subsidiaries of the Issuer have no further obligations towards the lenders arising from these loan agreements.
Additionally, the Issuer’s subsidiaries submitted instructions to the lenders for the full early repayment of loans for a total principal amount of EUR 26,253,205 plus interest and other early repayment fees accrued, as regards the following loans:
- the company MLP Pruszków II sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Pruszków submitted instructions for the repayment of loans granted under the loan agreement of July 23rd, 2021, concluded with Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw;
- the company MLP Bucharest West SRL with its registered office in Bucharest (Romania) submitted instructions for the repayment of loans granted under the loan agreement of September 23rd, 2021, concluded with OTP Bank Romania SA (Banca Transilvania SA) with its registered office in Romania.
The repayment is scheduled by October 31st, 2024. As a result of these repayments the loans will be fully repaid and the abovementioned subsidiaries of the Issuer will have no further obligations towards the lenders arising from these loan agreements.
Legal basis:
Article 17 (1) of MAR – Inside information
The Management Board of MLP Group S.A. with its registered office in Pruszków (the “Company“) announces that on October 15th, 2024, it adopted a resolution to exercise its right to early redemption of the series F bonds in full, i.e. redemption of 29,000 series F bonds of the Company with a par value of EUR 1,000 each and a total par value of EUR 29,000,000 (ISIN code: PLO205000014) (the “Bonds“), in accordance with Section 4.2 of the Terms and Conditions of Issue of the Bonds (the “Terms and Conditions of Issue“).
In accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Issue, the date of early redemption of the Bonds has been set at November 25th, 2024, i.e. the Interest Payment Date referred to in the Terms and Conditions of Issue (the “Early Redemption Date“).
The Bonds will be redeemed early through the payment by the Company for each Bond of an amount equal to the sum of: (i) the nominal value of one Bond, (ii) interest accrued and payable as at the Early Redemption Date, in accordance with the provisions of the Terms and Conditions of Issue, and (iii) a premium of 0.30% of the nominal value of one Bond.
Payments for the early redemption of the Bonds will be made in accordance with the provisions of the Terms and Conditions of Issue, through the National Securities Depository of Poland (in Polish: Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych; the “NSD“) and the relevant depositary on the basis of and in accordance with the relevant NSD Regulations and the regulations of the relevant depositary.
The Issuer intends to file an application to the Warsaw Stock Exchange to suspend trading in the Bonds.
Legal basis:
Article 17 (1) of MAR – Inside information

Aktien MLPG an der Wertpapierbörse
Aktueller Wert der Aktien
0,00 PLN
mehr anzeigen
Kalender für Investoren
Wichtige Finanzdaten
1 885 874 m2
Im Rahmen des Investitionsprozesses
2.640 MLD PLN
Nettowert der Aktiva
278.3 MLN PLN
Konsolidierte Umsatzerlöse
265.1 MLN PLN
Gewinn netto
*Daten zum 30. September 2024
Zusammensetzung der Aktionäre
Anteil am Stammkapital mit der gleichen Anzahl von Stimmen in der Hauptversammlung der Aktionäre
Der Mehrheitsaktionär der Gesellschaft ist Cajamarca Holland B.V. Sie hält 10 242 726 Aktien, was 42,69% des Stammkapitals der Gesellschaft entspricht und ihr das Recht gibt, 42,69% der Gesamtzahl der Stimmen in der Hauptversammlung auszuüben.
Kontakt zur Abteilung Investor Relations

Lark Promotion Mariusz Skowronek
Tel: 0 698 612 866
Email: mskowronek@larkpro.pl

MLP Group ul. 3 Maja 8, 05-800 Pruszków
Tel: 22 738 30 10, 738 30 11
Email: info@mlpgroup.com, ir@mlpgroup.com
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